Senegal Ordinance 2020-01 Exceptional Measures Covid-19

By way of derogation from the provisions of Articles L.49, L.60 and L.214 of the Labor Code, ...

Regulation on the regulation of mutual social security of the UEMOA

the Treaty of the UEMOA, notably in its Articles 3 and 4...

Summary table annex collective bargaining classification CC BTP 2001, 2002, and 2009

Summary table annex collective bargaining classification CC BTP...

Summary table of jobs in the trade sector

Summary Table of Jobs in the Trade Sector...


The National Assembly deliberated and adopted in its session on Tuesday, March 18, 1975...


The National Assembly deliberated and adopted, The President of the Republic promulgates the law...


The joint committee met on December 30, 2019 to develop the new scales...


The right to work is recognized to each citizen as a sacred right. The State makes every effort...

Federal Collective Convention for the garment industries January 1963

In application of Article 87 of Law No. 61-34 of June 15, 1961 establishing a Labor Code, ...

Federal Collective Convention for the food industries July 1958

The employers' unions of the professional branch "Food Industries", ...

National Collective Convention for private education

This revision work follows a partial denunciation of the National Collective Convention for staff ...

National Interprofessional Collective Convention

This Collective Agreement aims to regulate labor relations between employers and workers, ...

Finance law program format 3

The organic law on finance laws (LOLF) aims to establish a more democratic management...


Reaffirming their determination to make new progress towards African unity...

Family Code

Personality begins at birth and ceases at death, ...

Civil Procedure Code

Decree No. 64-572 of July 30, 1964 on the Civil Procedure Code was published in Official Journal No. 3,705 of September 28, 1964, ...

Civil and Commercial Obligations Code

The Civil and Commercial Obligations Code of Senegal COCC was a homogeneous construction, ...

Senegalese Penal Code

The offense that laws punish with police penalties is a contravention, ...

Revised Uniform Act on Security Interests

The Council of Ministers of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), ...

Revised Uniform Act on Collective Proceedings for Debt Collection

The Council of Ministers of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), ...

Uniform Act on simplified debt recovery procedures and enforcement measures

The OHADA Council of Ministers, ...

Uniform Act organizing and harmonizing business accounting

The Council of Ministers of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) ...

Uniform Act on arbitration law

The Council of Ministers of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) ...

Uniform Act on cooperative society law

The Council of Ministers of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) ...

Revised Uniform Act on Security Interests

The Council of Ministers of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) ...

Revised Uniform Act on Commercial Companies and Economic Interest Group

Considering the Treaty on the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa, signed in Port Louis on October 17, 1993, ...

Investment Code

Any production, processing, and/or distribution unit of goods or services, for profit...

National Collective Convention for the private security sector

This collective agreement, its annexes, and amendments regulate labor relations...

Declaration of the 7th International Africa and Beauty Forum (FIAB)

We, participants in the 7th International Africa and Beauty Forum held in Saly (Senegal)...

Report of the 7th International Africa and Beauty Forum (FIAB)

The International Africa and Beauty Forum organized by the International Federation Africa and Beauty...

Accounting system for non-profit entities (SYCEBUNOL) ONEC project

The Accounting System for Non-Profit Entities abbreviated SYCEBUNOL is an organizational system...

Uniform Act organizing and harmonizing business accounting

Uniform Act organizing and harmonizing business accounting...

Annex 01 operating procedure entry.doc1

General presentation for a day (First support - PCGO) ...

ONECCA Accounting Café of January 25, 2023

On January 25th, our firm KOF EXPERTS participated in the accounting café organized by ...

Synthesis of Missions in BENIN

Integration mission of financial statements and the six-column balance sheet ...

UEMOA Directive 2008-01-IS

The Council of Ministers of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) ...

UEMOA-Directive-2017-01 rights-accise-tobacco

The purpose of this Directive is to harmonize the laws of the Member States relating to excise duties...

CGI JUILLET 2019 date du 27 mars 2019

La présente loi porte Code général des impôts et régit, sous réserve des dispositions.....

Projet portant loi des finances pour l’année 2021

Il en va de la vie des nations comme de celle des humains qui les composent ...

Loi n° 2022-22 du 19 décembre 2022 portant loi des finances pour l’année 2023

Le Président de la République promulgue la loi dont la teneur suit :

Comprendre la réponse du Ministre des Finances

Avec l’adoption de la loi finance n°2022-19 du 27 mai 2022, portant loi de finance rectificative...

Réponse du Ministre des Finances à la DGID

Par lettre visée en référence, vous m'avez transmis un projet de circulation pour le report de la première...

Réflexions sur la vente a remere en droit fiscal

La vente définitive d'un bien immobilier est une transaction classique où le propriétaire cède....

CGI annoté – Janvier 2023

La présente loi porte Code général des impôts et régit, sous réserve des dispositions.....

Declaration des bénéficiaires effectifs

L'obligation de déclaration des bénéficiaires effectifs concerne l'identification et la communication.....